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Changes and Some Hard Questions

Well if you're like me you are in the middle of the caronavirus asking yourself "when is this going to end?" "When will my normal life return?" Since we have time to think, let's focus a minute on what God has been teaching us. How has God changed you during this time? Hopefully it's been a good change. I'm going to throw out some random thoughts and hopefully this will challenge your thinking.

I know personally God has put it in my heart to pray more. I have been challenging our church to take time out and pray every night at 8:00 pm. Many of our congregation are doing so. It is good for God's people to pray and seek God's will. However; what were we doing before? Was prayer just something we did occasionally? I've been thinking when this crisis passes will I continue to pray? I have enjoyed stopping for a few moments every night to pray and I hope to continue to do so long after this has passed.

There is a greater commitment to taking care of my family. I want them to be safe and I want to provide for them whatever I can. Now extend that thought into your community. Do we feel more of need to connect with people and help? Do you find yourself wanting to get more involved? Again, I have to ask the question how long will that last? We neglect family and friends during the good times but, now in crisis we come together. Will we stay together? I have been challenged to do more and minister in a greater way.

I have found myself in deeper reflection. Ask yourself who are you really? Now is a good time to review our spirituality. Do we truly trust God? Do we believe in God's sovereign will? Where is our fear coming from? Do we hunger for righteousness or are we saying “Church is on hold so I'll put my spiritual life on hold too.” Are we dropping our guard about things in our life. When the church doors open again will we come back thanking God for all he has done or will we be to used to sitting at home?

I'm trying to make changes in my own life because I feel God is really working on my heart during this time to see areas of weakness. At the same time I am asking myself these hard questions. Let's make this a time of reflection and changes as God convicts and prompts us.

-Pastor Colson Leach

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